Describe the basic contribution of the paper. This should be a few sentences on the topic of the paper. Beginning with this helps the journal editor and lets the author know that you've understood the paper.
"This paper discusses _______________. The main contribution of the paper is ____________."
Give your recommendation. You can use one of the following sentences.
"I recommend that this paper be accepted."
"I recommend that this paper be accepted after minor revision."
"I recommend that this paper not be accepted without major revision."
"I recommend that this paper be rejected."
Give your reasons for your recommendation. Label these as "major comments". A few examples are given to the right.
Major comments:
- The statistical analysis in this paper is suitable/unsuitable for….
- In terms of experimental technique, this paper is conventional/novel, and so…
- The Methods section does not clearly explain…
- The results obtained will be useful in…
- Some of the fundamental/recent papers in the field are not cited, among these…
- I would like to see some discussion of the findings of the papers in relation to recent findings and developments in ______.
Finally, give some additional comments about the paper. This is where you can note problems with spelling and/or grammar, suggest changes to figures and tables, and make other specific comments. Label these as "minor comments". A few examples are to the right.
Minor comments:
- In several places, you've used the term _____, but it seems you mean _____.
- In some of the figures, the legends are too small to be legible.
- On page ____, it is stated that _____, but the paper by Smith et al. states that ______. Can you comment on this disparity?
- Have you thought about testing this with _____________?